Find rules that use an attribute or relationship

Find rules that use an attribute or relationship

Find rules that use an attribute

To find the rules that use a particular attribute you can use the Attribute Usage view. To open the Attribute Usage view:

  1. Go to View | Attribute Usage. (TIP: If you are using the debugger you can access the Attribute Usage view by right-clicking an attribute in the Data view and selecting Show Attribute Usage.)
  2. Click on the browse button in the Attribute Usage view.
  3. In the Attribute Selector dialog box, search for the attribute you want to find in the build model. (TIP: If your rulebase is very large, searching for an attribute in the Attribute Selector will be quicker if you turn off the Filter search results on each keystroke option under File | Project Properties | Common Properties | General.)
  4. Once you have selected the attribute, click OK.
    The Attribute Usage view will display the selected attribute and show what it is used by, which document it is used in and the type of usage. Rules that use a particular attribute are shown by the icon and have the type of usage 'Used by rule'.
  5. To view the rule in the rules document, right-click and select View in Word or View in Excel.


Alternatively, you can use the Rule Browser to see how the attribute is used in rules. To do this:

  1. Select View | Build Model to open the build model view.
  2. In the Attributes pane, right-click the attribute and select Rule Browser.
    The Rule Browser will open to show any rules that prove the attribute, as well as any rules that are used by the attribute.
  3. To view the rule in the rules document, click the edit link next to the name of the xgen file for the rule.

Find rules that use a relationship

You can use the Rule Browser to see how a relationship is used in rules. To do this:

  1. Select View | Build Model to open the build model view.
  2. In the Relationship pane, right-click the relationship and select Rule Browser.
    The Rule Browser will open to show any rules that prove the relationship, as well as any rules that are used by the relationship.
  3. To view the rule in the rules document, click the edit link next to the name of the xgen file for the rule.


See also: